सांख्यिकी एक नजर में STATISTICS AT GLANCE

एफ़एमजीई में उपस्थित होने वाले उम्मीदवारों का संस्थान-वार प्रदर्शन
Institute-wise Performance of Candidates appearing in FMGE :

2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2015-18 | 2012-14

राज्य State डीएनबी पोस्ट एमबीबीएस DNB Post MBBS डीएनबी पोस्ट डिप्लोमा DNB Post Diploma डीआरएनबी DrNB एफ़एनबी FNB डिप्लोमा एनबीई Diploma NBE
Andaman and Nicobar 7 3 -- -- --
Andhra Pradesh 276 186 -- 4 170
Arunachal Pradesh 3 3 -- -- 13
Assam 99 48 -- -- 26
Bihar 102 54 39 8 44
Chandigarh 39 24 -- -- 12
Chhattisgarh 114 64 32 2 50
Dadar and Nagar Haveli -- -- -- -- 16
Delhi 827 512 460 94 --
Goa -- -- -- -- 2
Gujarat 267 135 146 -- 90
Haryana -- -- 194 36 154
Himachal Pradesh 42 21 -- -- --
Jammu and Kashmir 215 77 -- 23 121
Jharkhand 111 67 18 1 25
Karnataka -- -- -- 75 298
Kerala 772 446 297 53 121
Madhya Pradesh -- -- -- 15 94
Maharashtra 1128 661 419 -- --
Manipur 16 6 3 -- 4
Meghalaya -- -- -- -- 16
Mizoram 9 4 -- -- 2
Nagaland 12 6 -- -- 8
Orissa 101 56 62 2 104
Pondicherry 65 42 9 -- 15
Punjab -- -- 82 -- 103
Rajasthan 167 111 71 15 575
Tamil Nadu 878 561 313 101 329
Tripura -- -- -- 2 20
Uttar Pradesh 428 226 107 20 344
Uttaranchal 26 15 3 -- 29
West Bengal 482 260 212 46 291
Telangana -- -- 404 63 79
Ladakh 6 2 -- -- --

विशिष्टता Speciality पोस्ट एमबीबीएस Post MBBS पोस्ट डिप्लोमा Post Diploma
Anaesthesiology 738 665
Anatomy 4 0
Biochemistry 20 0
Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy 26 22
Family Medicine 167 10
Forensic Medicine 6 0
General Medicine 1167 0
General Surgery 617 0
Hospital Administration 4 0
Immunohematology and Blood Transfusion 32 0
Microbiology 49 0
Nuclear Medicine 21 17
Obstetrics and Gynaecology 408 368
Ophthalmology 312 287
Orthopaedics 428 346
Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) 85 76
Paediatrics 513 455
Pathology 132 103
Pharmacology 8 0
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 4 3
Physiology 10 0
Psychiatry 52 30
Radio Diagnosis 338 301
Radiation Oncology 104 91
Respiratory Medicine 113 102
Community Medicine 13 0
Emergency Medicine 227 23
Palliative Medicine 18 0
Geriatric Medicine 2 0

विशिष्टता Speciality सीट Seats
Cardio Vascular & Thoracic Surgery 21
Cardiology 369
Endocrinology 48
Medical Gastroenterology 243
Urology 203
Medical Oncology 169
Neonatology 39
Nephrology 215
Neuro Surgery 97
Neuro Surgery (Direct 6 Years Course) 71
Neurology 235
Paediatric Surgery 9
Paediatric Surgery (Direct 6 Years Course) 15
Vascular Surgery 44
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery 35
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery (Direct 6 Years Course) 19
Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology 34
Surgical Gastroenterology 96
Surgical Oncology 147
Clinical Haematology 42
Cardio Vascular & Thoracic Surgery (Direct 6 Years Course) 74
Thoracic Surgery 10
Medical Genetics 4
Interventional Radiology 24
Gynaecological Oncology 20
Paediatric Neurology 5
Cardiac Anaesthesia 77
Critical Care Medicine 498
Infectious Diseases 8
Paediatric Cardiology 38
Paediatric Critical Care 36
Neuro Anaesthesia 23

विशिष्टता Speciality सीट Seats
Minimally Invasive Gynaecologic Surgery 1
Stroke Medicine 4
Colorectal Surgery 5
Renal Transplant 8
Minimal Access Urology 3
Paediatric Urology 3
Musculoskeletal Radiology (MSK Radiology) 4
Fetal Radiology 4
Neurovascular Intervention 10
Paediatric Anaesthesia 22
Onco- Anaesthesia 38
Transplant Anaesthesia 12
Trauma Anaesthesia & Critical Care 11
Head & Neck Oncology 41
Bariatric Surgery 2
Pain Medicine 6
Hand & Micro Surgery 14
Maternal & Foetal Medicine 28
Interventional Cardiology 51
Infectious Diseases 4
Minimal Access Surgery 73
Paediatric Hemato-Oncology 45
Reproductive Medicine 46
Spine Surgery 42
Trauma & Acute Care Surgery 12
Vitreo Retinal Surgery 9
Paediatric Gastroenterology 9
Liver Transplantation 6
Sports Medicine 6
Paediatric Nephrology 6
Cardiac Electrophysiology 18
Arthroplasty 44
Breast Imaging 5

विशिष्टता Speciality सीट Seats
Anesthesiology 669
Family Medicine 417
Obstetrics and Gynaecology 768
Ophthalmology 319
ENT 188
Paediatrics 697
Radio Diagnosis 295
Tuberculosis & Chest Disease 180
Emergency Medicine 2

निपटाए गए आरटीआई आवेदनों की कुल संख्या Total number of RTI applications disposed

वर्ष Year

आरटीआई आवेदनों की संख्या

No. of RTI applications

आरटीआई अपीलों की संख्या

No. of RTI appeals

April 2023 - March 2024



April 2022 - March 2023



* अस्वीकरण: ऊपर प्रदर्शित जानकारी सिस्टम द्वारा उत्पन्न है और कानूनी उद्देश्यों के लिए उपयोग नहीं की जा सकती है। एनबीईएमएस के आधिकारिक रिकॉर्ड में निहित जानकारी अंतिम होगी।
* Disclaimer: The information displayed above is system generated and can not be used for legal purposes. Information contained in the official records of NBEMS shall be final.