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of Diplomate of National Board, Fellowship of       Address by the Chief Guest                          Departure of the Honoured Guests
               National Board, and Doctorate of National Board     Chief Guest, Hon’ble Union Minister of              The academic procession shall leave the Plenary
               and charge each one of you to be worthy of the      Health and Family Welfare and Chemicals and         Hall. All the candidates and invitees present in
               degree awarded to you throughout your life.”        Fertilizers, Dr. Mansukh Mandaviya, will address    the auditorium will rise and remain standing
                                                                   the convocation.                                    till the convocation procession has left the main
               Address by the Special Guest                                                                            auditorium.
               Special Guest, Dr. M.R. Girinath, Cardiothoracic    Dissolution of the Convocation
               Surgeon, Apollo Hospital, Chennai will address      Honorary Executive Director, National Board
               the audience.                                       of Examinations in Medical Sciences, Dr. Minu
                                                                   Bajpai will request the President, NBEMS to
               Address by the Guest of Honour                      dissolve the convocation. The President of the
               Guest of Honour, Hon’ble Minister of State,         National Board, Dr. Abhijat Sheth, will declare
               Health and Family Welfare, Dr. Bharati Pravin       the convocation closed.
               Pawar will address the audience.
                                                                   Vote of Thanks
               Award of Gold Medals                                Honorary Executive Director, Dr. Minu Bajpai,
               Hon’ble Union Minister of Health and Family         National Board of Examinations in Medical
               Welfare and Chemicals and Fertilizers, Dr.          Sciences, will propose a vote of thanks.
               Mansukh Mandaviya will award the Gold Medals
               to candidates who have stood first in their batches   Playing of the National Anthem
               in their respective disciplines in the country.     To mark the closure of the programme,
                                                                   National anthem will be played.
               Award of Certificates of Excellence
               Chief Guest, Hon’ble Union Minister of
               Health and Family Welfare and Chemicals and
               Fertilizers, Dr. Mansukh Mandaviya, will confer
               the Certificates of Excellence upon the members
               of the governing body.

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