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Lighting of the Lamp                                Welcome Address by the President                    you will use your knowledge for the promotion of
               The distinguished guests on the dais will light the   President, National Board of Examinations in      learning in the field of Medical Science and in the
               lamp.                                               Medical Sciences, Dr. Abhijat Sheth shall make the   service of your professional colleagues?”
                                                                   welcome address.                                       Candidates will say: “I do promise”.
               Declaration of Opening of the                                                                              President of the National Board of
               twenty-first Convocation                            Administration of the Oath                          Examinations in Medical Sciences will say: “Do
               Honorary Executive Director and Vice President,     by the President                                    you solemnly and sincerely promise that you
               National Board of Examinations in Medical           The new postgraduates will be administered          will faithfully and diligently fulfil the duties of
               Sciences, Dr. Minu Bajpai, will request the         the oath by the President, National Board of        profession in the field of Medical Science to which
               President, National Board of Examinations in        Examinations in Medical Sciences. The President     you will eventually belong and to that you will on
               Medical Sciences to declare the convocation open.   will rise and say: “Let all the candidates who      all occasions maintain its purity and reputations?”
                  He will say: “May I call upon the Hon’ble        are to receive the degree of the Diplomate of          Candidates will say: “I do promise”.
               President, National Board of Examinations in        National Board, Fellowship of National Board, and      All candidates will resume their seats.
               Medical Sciences, Dr. Abhijat Sheth, to declare     Doctorate of National Board, may kindly stand.”
               the twenty-first convocation of the National           All the candidates will then rise.               Exhortation ceremony for the Graduands
               Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences              President of the National Board of               Vice Presidents, National Board of Examinations
               open.”                                              Examinations in Medical Sciences will say: “Do      in Medical Sciences, shall hold the exhortation
                  President, National Board of Examinations in     you solemnly and sincerely promise and declare      ceremony for the graduands.
               Medical Sciences, Dr. Abhijat Sheth will declare    that if admitted to the degree for which you
               the convocation open.                               have qualified, you will, in your daily life and       Vice President (Basic Medical Sciences) will
                  He will say: “This twenty-first convocation      conversation, conduct yourselves as become          present candidates in Basic Medical Sciences.
               of National Board of Examinations in Medical        members of the National Board of Examinations       He will say: “Sir, I present to you the candidates
               Sciences has been called to confer degrees upon     in Medical Sciences?”                               named to receive the degree of Diplomate of
               the candidates who, in the examinations held for       Candidates will say: “I do promise”.             National Board in the specialties of Basic Medical
               the purpose, have been certified to be worthy          President of the National Board of               Sciences.
               of the same. I hereby declare the twenty-first      Examinations in Medical Sciences will say: “Do         President of the National Board of
               convocation of National Board of Examinations       you solemnly and sincerely promise and declare      Examinations in Medical Sciences will say: “Let
               in Medical Sciences open.”                          that to the utmost of your opportunity and ability   the candidates be now presented”.

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