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any congratulations! The future           others in celebration of larger ideals and shared         President’s Gold Medal in Physiology
                          belongs to those who believe in their     wisdom.                                                   December 2019
               Mdreams. That you dreamt big, and                       May you find larger nuggets of gold as you             Karthika Priyadharshini U
               worked hard to fulfil your dream the world now       traverse ahead! Yet, believe me, the greatest riches      Srivenkateshwaraa Medical College
               knows. Even as you walk up to receive your gold      of being a physician are found in being able to           Hospital and Research Centre, Puducherry
               medal, several thoughts must cross your mind.        help those who turn to you with hope. You can
               When I was young, and your age, I was quick to       give them a reason to smile, hold their hand,             June 2020
               recognize that let the beauty of what you love be    inspire faith, instil trust, and, to some, offer a new    Ramkumar S
               what you do.                                         lease of life.                                            Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and
                  Life is a journey inspired with continuous           This chapter presents the honours list of              Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
               education. Each day presents an opportunity          the gold medallion winners at the twenty-first
               for greater learning. It fosters creative, critical   National Board convocation.                              December 2020
               thought, and quite simply, it nourishes our soul.                                                              Madumathy
                  The great late 19th century teacher William             President’s Gold Medal in Anatomy                   Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical
               Osler said — observe, record, tabulate,                    December 2019                                       Education and Research, Puducherry
               communicate. Use your five senses. Learn to see,           Rosemol Xaviour
               learn to hear, learn to feel, learn to smell, and          Government Medical College, Thrissur                June 2021
               know that by practice alone you can become a                                                                   Praveena M
               true specialist.                                           December 2020                                       PSG Institute of Medical Sciences,
                  Variability is the law of life. Just as no two          Deepika                                             Coimbatore
               faces are identical, no two bodies are alike. No           Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and
               two individuals react and behave in a like fashion         Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi                      President’s Gold Medal in Biochemistry
               whether in health or disease.                                                                                  December 2019
                  Go with an open mind. Discover the                      June 2021                                           Dhivya S
               unfound. The journey ahead is filled with much             Anjali Ravindran                                    Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education
               experimentation, new thought, new knowledge                Government Medical College,                         and Research, Chandigarh
               and stimulating discoveries. Nothing quite                 Thrissur
               compares with the beauty of connecting with

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