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his song of celebration
                             that asserts a stout
                     Tbelief in self, embodies
                     the spirit of youth, and reflects
                     a strong ‘will’ to achieve is
                     dedicated to all those who are                 I am my own believer                                Dare to dream
                     being awarded the degrees                      In my heart the reason                              I will go the distance
                     of Diplomate of National                       I will follow the light from within                 Embrace resistance
                     Board, Fellowship of National                  I’m not afraid of weakness                          I will lay my soul on the line
                     Board, and Doctorate of                        I’m gonna taste the sweetness                       When the wait is over
                     National Board on this day of                  Of the power not to give in                         And the hunger has spoken
                     twentieth June in the year two                 Oh I will see it through                            If I give my all, I will shine
                     thousand and twenty-two at                     I believe this is my moment of truth                Oh I will see it through
                     the twenty-first convocation                                                                       I believe, this is my moment of truth
                     of the National Board of                       Dare to dream
                     Examinations of Medical                        Dare to fly                                         Dare to dream
                     Sciences. Many congratulations                 Dare to be the ever chosen                          Dare to fly
                                                                    one to touch the sky                                Dare to be the ever chosen
                                                                    Dare to reach                                       one to touch the sky
                                                                    Dare to rise                                        Dare to reach
                                                                    Find the strength to set my spirit free             Dare to rise

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