National Board of Examinations

New Delhi

22nd June 2017



Attention: All applicant Hospitals/Institutes/Medical Colleges


NBE grants accreditation to institutions/hospitals in public and private sector all over the country for the purpose of training of candidates in various specialties and disciplines of modern medicine.


2.  Considering the emerging need to increase the pool of competent and skilled specialists and sub specialists so as to cater to the healthcare needs of the society and community at large, National Board of Examinations administer Post Doctoral fellowship programme in 19 disciplines.


 3.    NBE invites applications from eligible departments / institutions for Post Doctoral Fellowship in Body MR Imaging. Interested institutions/hospitals/medical colleges which fulfill the criteria as laid down for this programme by NBE can apply for fresh accreditation.  Details of the minimum accreditation criteria, indicative outline and requirements specific to aforesaid programme are as under: 



Upon completion of his training, the FNB in Body MR Imaging candidate should acquire following competencies:


  1. Role as Medical Expert

         Gather essential and accurate information about patients

         Develop a diagnostic plan based upon the clinical question/s and relevant clinical, radiologic and pathologic information

         Identify and develop expertise in the diagnostic evaluation of a range of liver tumors and diffuse liver disease; gallbladder and diseases of the bile ducts; pancreatic malignancies and diffuse pancreatic disease; renal malignancies; abdominal vascular, retroperitoneal, and peritoneal disease; and pathologies of male and female pelvis.

         Counsel patients concerning preparation for the diagnostic testing


  1. Role as Communicator

         Fellows must demonstrate interpersonal and communication skills that result in effective information exchange with patients, patient family members, medical students, other Fellows, supervising faculty, referring physicians, technologists, nurses and other members of the health care team.

         Use of Bioethical concept for effective clinical work

         Able to do Patient centered decision making


  1. Role as Collaborator

         Working in effective healthcare team including allied health workers, radiographers & paramedics

         Inter-professional  team work with other medical & surgical teams

         Management competencies related to practice management

         Healthcare advocacy for patients

         Collaborating decision making process


  1.  Role as Healthcare Advocate

         Advocacy for patient

         Recognizing determinants of health in population served

         Identification of important public health issues


  1. Role as Scholar

         Should Contribute to contemporary literature & practice

         Should be Life long learner

         Shall be Critical appraisal

         Ethics of Teaching & maintenance of competencies


  1. Professional Values

         Highest standard of professionalism

         Concepts of Ethical practice

         Sustainable Practice

Entry Criteria

         Aspirant must possess post graduate degree in MD / DNB Radiology.

         Centralized Entrance Test (CET-SS)/National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test (NEET SS) - As per the scheme so prescribed by the National Board of Examinations.  As on date the admission to all courses is undertaken on the basis of merit obtained in the entrance examination conducted by NBE followed by Centralized Counseling, the same scheme shall continue.

Duration of Course

The course duration will be 1 year full time residency programme & fellow shall not be doing any private practice / other attachment.

Accreditation Criteria

I. Centre of Excellence

The Centre running the programme shall be centre of excellence in Body Imaging with following modalities:-


  1. Hospital/Institute should have dedicated body MR imaging facilities having following equipment under one roof / one campus.

   MRI Scan having at least one 1.5 Tesla or above

   Should have all dedicated MRI Coils

   Must have PACS


  1. Hospital/Institute should have case volume as mentioned  following:-



Cases / Year

Body CT


Body MRI



II. Faculty Criteria

  1. One Senior Consultant: Should have a minimum of 15 years of experience in body MR imaging after qualifying MD / DNB Radiology


  1. One senior consultant : Should have a minimum of 8 years of experience in body MR imaging after qualifying MD / DNB Radiology


  1. One Junior consultant: Should have a minimum of 5 years of experience in body MR imaging after qualifying MD / DNB Radiology.


  1. Any Faculty designated above should altogether have at least 3 Research Article Published in Indexed national or international Journal.


III. Teaching Schedule

Hospital /Institute have to provide the Fellow at least 10 Hours of active teaching per week (5hrs Didactic Teaching & 5 hrs of Bedside teaching) which may include Seminars, Case Presentations, Journal Clubs, Clinical Postings & Lectures by faculty).


IV. Library Facility

  1. The library should have adequate number of relevant textbooks & monographs of different titles in area of Breast imaging & Interventions with recent editions should be available.
  2. Library must have at least 4 International or national online journal subscriptions.


V. Interdepartmental Meetings/ Radiological Meeting

Trainee Fellow is required to attend at least one Interdepartmental Meetings each month.  This meeting shall be forum for discussion of current and archival case material & Trainee shall be well versed with the role of other specialties in overall management case. 


VI. Research Work/Thesis

The fellow shall have to choose any clinical research topic pertaining to Cross Sectional Body Imaging. It is mandatory that fellow should have at least one research article published in any international or national indexed journal during period of the training.



VII. Stipend

Fellow trainee shall be paid stipend equivalent to senior resident doctor in department of Radiology.


F. Assessment

As per NBE guidelines.


G. Training Record

The Fellow will maintain a log book of all cases assisted and performed independently over period of 1 year and produce the same at time of exit exam. Log book will be regularly be counter-signed as appropriate by the faculty to confirm the satisfactory fulfillment of the required training experience, and the acquisition of the competencies.


H. Exit examinations

Fellow have to appear FNB Exit Examination which includes both written and practical examination leading to grant of degree of Fellowship in Body MR Imaging.


Application Forms

Application forms for seeking accreditation in above fellowship programme can be downloaded under the following link:


Main Application Form 2017 (Click Here)


Specialty Specific Application form for New FNB Programme 2017 (Click Here)


Please note that Main Application as well as Specialty Specific Application makes an application complete. Any of the above application can not be processed in isolation. Incomplete application shall not be processed.


Also refer to the information bulletin for seeking accreditation with NBE for year 2017 available on NBE website under quick link: Accreditation with NBE.

The cut off date for submission of application to NBE seeking fresh accreditation in FNB- Body MR Imaging is 15th July 2017.


For Any further clarification/assistance, please write to NBE at e-mail ID