Ref.No.NBE/XXII/2010/16176 Dated: 10th January 2011
Kind Attn: All NBE Accredited Institutions /Hospitals or
Subject: Regarding Direct Six Years DNB Course in the Specialties of Cardio thoracic Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Neurosurgery, Pediatrics Surgery
1. The National Board of Examinations has approved the Direct Six years course in the specialties of Cardio thoracic Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Neurosurgery, Pediatrics Surgery.
2. The NBE accredited institutions /hospitals or medical colleges desirous of running these courses should fulfill the following criteria:
a. They should be accredited by NBE for a Post DNB programme in these specialties
b. The concerned institutions should have adequate infrastructure and training facilities for imparting knowledge, skills and competencies to the candidates in general surgical skills and procedures as are part of the curriculum for the above programme.
3. All NBE accredited hospitals /institutions that are running the three-year programme can opt for either a Post DNB three-years programme or Direct six years programme based on the above criteria.
4. In any case the period of accreditation for admission of fresh batches of candidates shall remain to be three academic sessions (three calendar years) irrespective of whether the hospital /institution opts for a three-years programme or Direct six-years programme.
5. The Information Bulletin for the Direct Six years course can be obtained from the website of the Board
6. Hospitals /institutions desirous of opting for Six years programme are hereby informed to submit their request-cum-acceptance form enclosed herewith latest by 31st January 2011.
Copy of the existing curriculum of the six years course may be accessed at the website of the Board
B.N. Khatri
Assistant Director