National Board of Examinations Journal of Medical Sciences (NBEJMS)

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February 2025, Volume 3, Issue 2

M. Janaki, R. Parameswary, S. Dhamodharan and G. Harissh

Introduction: Non communicable diseases are leading causes of Morbidity, Mortality and disability in worldwide. Non adherence to the medication plays a vital role for the inadequate control of NCDs. Objectives: To assess the drug adherence among patients attending the NCD clinic and the factors associated with compliance to the medications. Methods: A Cross-sectional study was done among 296 NCD patient attending NCD clinic at Govt Villupuram Medical college and the field practice community areas of Govt Villupuram Medical college and Hospital. WHO'S Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS)-8 was used to assess low medication adherence. Results: Among the 296 patients, 57% males and 43% females. The study found that 81.3% people have poor drug adherence, 10% have medium adherence and 9% have high Adherence. There was a statistical significance found between Age, Educational status occupation and Physical activity. Conclusion: Nearly two third of the patients have poor drug adherence in the study. The importance of Drug adherence to be sensitised and periodically health education sessions to be organized at NCD clinic to create awareness about drug adherence for the control and prevention of complications of NCDS.