National Board of Examinations Journal of Medical Sciences (NBEJMS)

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January 2024, Volume 2, Issue 1

Foram Modh, Rajeshkumar H. Majithiya, Jayshriben R Majithiya, Nihal Sabbirbhai Kugasia and Bharatkumar M. Chaudhari

Background: When someone has appendicitis, the symptoms can be different depending on where the appendix is located. When someone has retrocaecal appendicitis, their symptoms are different from those of classical appendicitis in which the appendix is in the usual place. K-Sign show that the back wall of the abdomen is soft in people with paracolic appendicitis. As a sign of respect, the K-Sign is called the "Kashmir Sign" after the place where it forms, Kashmir. When the inflamed appendix crosses above the iliac crest on the back wall of the abdomen, it's a sign. The soreness is caused by irritation of the peritoneum on the back wall of the abdomen. Case Presentation: A group of five patients were studied and a K-Sign was used to find tenderness on the back wall of the abdomen. The tenderness was found in a specific area bounded by the 12th rib above, the spine below, the side edge of the back wall below, and the iliac crest above. All 5 of the cases had pain in this place on the back wall of the abdomen. They all wanted to have an appendectomy and had a report from a histopathological test that showed their appendix was inflamed. Conclusion: The K-Sign was looked at in a swollen appendix that was retrocephalic and paracolic. The K-Sign is important because it's hard to diagnose retrocaecal appendicitis and it can lead to other problems.