National Board of Examinations Journal of Medical Sciences (NBEJMS)

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September 2024, Volume 2, Issue 9

Raju Vaishya, Dhananjaya Sharma, Anupam Sibal, Bipin Puri, Muralidharan Manikesi and Abhishek Vaish

There is a pressing need to address the noticeable disparity in biomedical research output between High-Income Countries (HICs) and Low-Middle Income Countries (LMICs). This imbalance raises urgent concerns about equity and the impact on global health. Despite being home to most of the global population, LMICs face numerous challenges that hinder their ability to contribute significantly to research. This review explores the factors contributing to the disparities and proposes potential solutions to address this global imbalance. A comprehensive strategy is needed to tackle the differences in biomedical research productivity between high-income and low-middle-income nations. Enhancing global partnerships, ensuring fair allocation of resources, and prioritizing the development of research capabilities are crucial measures in nurturing a more diverse and influential worldwide biomedical research landscape. Closing this divide is essential for advancing scientific inclusivity and tackling the health issues economically disadvantaged countries face.