National Board of Examinations Journal of Medical Sciences (NBEJMS)

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January 2024, Volume 2, Issue 1

Kanika Arora, Vivek Kumar Pathak, Hitender Basista, Rohit Saxena, Himani Sharma and Rahul Saxena

Background: Ear pain, known as otalgia, has diverse origins, spanning from benign to severe conditions. Accurate diagnosis and treatment require an understanding of its etiology. Otalgia can be categorized as primary (ear-related) or referred (originating elsewhere). Referred otalgia poses unique challenges, as pain is perceived in the ear despite non-ear origins. Aim: The aim of present study is to investigate the potential causes of referred otalgia involving cranial and cervical nerves, and to explore the interplay between ear and distant body structures. Materials & Methods: A prospective study from March 2023 to June 2023 in an ENT OPD of Sharda Hospital, Greater Noida involved 360 patients. Evaluations encompassed dental, nasal, and head & neck assessments. Data included age, gender, side affected, and underlying cause statistical analysis was conducted using SPSS version. Results: Out of 360 patients, 16.1% had referred otalgia. Most were female (67.2%), and right-sided involvement was predominant (47%). Toothache (31.6%) and pharyngitis (29.1%) were the most common leading causes. Other causes included Gastroesophageal reflux disease, sinusitis, temporomandibular joint disease, cervical spine arthritis, and Bell's palsy. Two cases (0.5%) were associated with supraglottic and base of tongue malignancies. Conclusion: This study provides insights into referred otalgia's diverse origins, stressing the importance of comprehensive clinical evaluation for accurate diagnosis and tailored treatment. Collaboration among medical specialists is vital. Further research and clinical cooperation are needed to enhance our understanding of this complex condition.