National Board of Examinations Journal of Medical Sciences (NBEJMS)

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August 2024, Volume 2, Issue 8

Sucheta Sarkar, Dhritiman Maitra and Utpal De

This cross-sectional observational study aimed to correlate preoperative breast volume with mastectomy specimen volume to predict residual breast tissue and cancer recurrence. Fifty female patients with unilateral breast carcinoma undergoing mastectomy were included. Preoperative volume was measured anthropometrically using a specific formula, while postoperative volume was assessed by water displacement (Archimedes principle). Volumes ranged from 220 cc to 820 cc, with postoperative measurements being more accurate. A significant correlation was found between the two methods (p<0.05). The findings suggest that accurately measuring the mastectomy specimen volume can help in determining residual breast tissue and assessing the risk of cancer recurrence.