National Board of Examinations Journal of Medical Sciences (NBEJMS)

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March 2025, Volume 3, Issue 3

Lavanya Dharmalingam and Saravanakumar Kadirvelu

Modic alterations are variations in the strength of the spinal bone marrow signal on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which are frequently linked to degenerative disc disease (DDD).This study's goal is to ascertain if lumbar disc degeneration and modic alterations in patients with persistent low back pain are related on magnetic resonance imaging. This study looked for the presence of modic alterations in degenerative disc diseases in 108 lumbar disc degeneration patients who volunteered for MRI of the lumbar spine for persistent, chronic low back pain. The result of our study are modic changes were associated with chronic low back pain. Type I modic changes are more commonly linked to acute inflammation and pain. Type 2 modic changes are associated with chronic inflammation. Type 3 modic changes are associated with advanced degenerative and sclerotic changes. Thus the conclusion of this study shows that modic changes more frequently at the end plates of lower Lumbar vertebrae at L4-L5 Level and L5-S1 level. Modic changes are complex phenomenon, occurred at multiple level more frequently with increasing in age suggesting these changes are degenerative disc diseases.