National Board of Examinations Journal of Medical Sciences (NBEJMS)

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September 2024, Volume 2, Issue 9

Premnath Dhasaram, Amarnath Santhaseelan, Karthika Ganesh and Srimadhi Muthaiyan

Background: With advance in technologies, there is a notable shift in healthcare industry towards integrating mobile health solutions. Medical students are at the forefront to be proficient in the use of cutting-edge medical technologies. This study gives insight about the penetration of m-health among the budding young doctors of Puducherry. Materials and Methods: A facility based analytical cross-sectional study was conducted among 390 undergraduate medical students over a period of two months (Aug-September 2023). Pre-tested semi-structured questionnaire was used to estimate the m-health app/device user, usage pattern and attitude towards m-health apps/devices. Data collected in google form and descriptive statistics was done using MS Excel 2019. Chi square test was applied to find the association between study participant characteristic and m-health app/device user. Results: Proportion of the participants using m-health app was 31.8%. The M-health devices used by the participants were smartphone (100.0%), smartwatch (54%), wrist band (32.2%), blood pressure monitoring device (13.7%). They were using for physical fitness (85.5%), clinical training (32.3%) and disease monitoring (26.6%). Around half 46% of the participants were using it for at least once in a day. Majority (91.1%) were highly confident and confident on the results provided by m-health apps/devices. Proportion of male participants using were higher compared to the female participants. Conclusion: Around one-third of the participants are using m-health. Almost majority for physical fitness. Male gender was associated with m-health app use. Though there are few downsides with the advancing technology it will be addressed with its evolution.