National Board of Examinations Journal of Medical Sciences (NBEJMS)

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March 2025, Volume 3, Issue 3

Muralidharan Kannaian, Bhaskara Rao Bezawada and Vinod K

Background: The main cause of morbidity and death is blunt abdominal trauma. Blunt abdominal injuries may initially be difficult to detect if there are no evidence of exterior damage or alterations in the patient's vital signs. A considerable amount of blood loss can occur without the abdomen changing noticeably. Blunt trauma can cause solid organ rupture and visceral injury, which can lead to hemorrhage, peritonitis, and associated pelvic injuries. The most commonly wounded organs are the spleen, small intestine, and liver. Objectives: To find out the etiology, manifestation, anatomical distribution, diagnostic method, management and outcome of intestinal injuries from blunt abdominal trauma. Methodology: The study comprised nearly 59 patients who underwent laparotomies over a three-year period to address intestinal damage brought on by acute abdominal trauma. The etiology, presentations, anatomical distributions, diagnostic methods, associated injuries, treatment regimens, and deaths of the patients were all investigated in a retrospective analysis. Results: There were about 60 major bowel and mesentery lesions from blunt abdominal injuries in about 59 people. The male to female ratio was 5.5:1, and the average age was 36.78 years. Approximately 60 persons suffered severe injuries. In addition, there were 12 significant seromuscular injuries, 7 mesentric, 11 colonic, and 1 duodenal injuries, and 50 small intestinal injuries, including 48 perforations. Car accidents resulted in injury to 33 people. The most common damage was a perforation at the antimesentric boundary of the small bowel. Treatment for colonic perforations involved anastomosis, healing of the perforation, and protective colostomy following resection. Ten (16.9%) people encountered serious issues, and two (3.38%) deaths were reported. Conclusion: Even though it may be difficult, early diagnosis of intestine injuries after severe abdominal trauma is essential due to its enormous infectious potential. Intestinal perforations are commonly associated with severe damage, which are probably the decisive variables in survival.