National Board of Examinations Journal of Medical Sciences (NBEJMS)

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National Board of Examinations Journal of Medical Sciences
Volume, Issue, YearTopicView Article
Volume 1, Issue 9-10, October 2023 Correlation of serum phosphate levels and carotid intimal thickness in CKD patients - Pulkit Jindal, Viswanadha Reddy, Deepak Sha K, and Satarla Narendra
Volume 1, Issue 9-10, October 2023 SARS COV-2 and its association with vertigo - Soumick Ranjan Sahoo
Volume 1, Issues 9-10, October 2023 Sinus Headache and Facial Pain: A Diagnostic Dilemma - Soumick Ranjan Sahoo
Volume 1, Issues 9-10, October 2023 Newer Advances in Hearing Conservation Programme - Soumick Ranjan Sahoo
Volume 1, Issues 9-10, October 2023 Nanoparticles in Inner Ear Diseases - Soumick Ranjan Sahoo
Volume 1, Issues 9-10, October 2023 Acquired Hemophilia 'A' - An Uncommon Condition Presented with Common Manifestations - Deepak S. Laddhad, Vinayak Hingane, Bantu Ruthvick, Shubham Rajkumar Agrawal and Pavan Shrikrishna Gadge
Volume 1, Issue 8, August 2023 NBE Journal of Medical Sciences, Volume 1, Issue 8, August 2023 - Combined pdf
Volume 1, Issue 8, August 2023 Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in India - Challenges and Strategies - Minu Bajpai and Abhijat Sheth
Volume 1, Issue 8, August 2023 Diagnostic significance of urinary transforming growth factor-β1 in the management of children with moderate to high grade pelvic-ureteric junction obstruction - Minu Bajpai and Hari Kishan
Volume 1, Issue 8, August 2023 Correlation of fasting lipid profile in non-diabetic CKD patients on conservative management - Deepak Sha K, Pulkit Jindal and Satarla Narendra
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