National Board of Examinations Journal of Medical Sciences (NBEJMS)

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National Board of Examinations Journal of Medical Sciences
Volume, Issue, YearTopicView Article
Volume 1, Issue 11, November 2023 Revelations & Opportunities in Paediatric Surgery
Volume 1, Issue 11, November 2023 Emphasise the effect of Covid-19 patients on antihypertensive drugs in a tertiary care hospital — a cross sectional study
Volume 1, Issue 11, November 2023 A Prospective comparative study of Incidence of early Suture site infection following incisional negative pressure wound therapy and Povidone-iodine dressing in a post-operative emergency non-traumatic exploratory laparotomy
Volume 1, Issue 11, November 2023 Serum Vitamin B12 in Relation to Anaemia and Neuropathy by MNSI among Type 2 Diabetes
Volume 1, Issue 11, November 2023 The Correlation between Portal Vein Diameter, Splenic Size, platelet count/spleen length ratio, and Gastro-Esophageal Varices in the Liver Cirrhosis
Volume 1, Issue 11, November 2023 A Comprehensive Primer on Transgender Health in India
Volume 1, Issue 11, November 2023 Impact of Space Environment on Human Body From an Otorhinolaryngologist Perspective: A Brief Review and Future Initiatives for Development of Healthcare, Education and Research Facility in India
Volume 1, Issue 11, November 2023 Rare Retroperitoneal Cystic Lesions Causing Diagnostic Dilemma — A Case Series
Volume 1, Issues 9-10, October 2023 NBE Journal of Medical Sciences, Volume 1, Issue 9-10, September-October 2023 - Combined pdf
Volume 1, Issue 9-10, October 2023 Strategic Planning for Clinical Services in Indian Health Care System - Minu Bajpai and Abhijat Sheth
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