National Board of Examinations Journal of Medical Sciences (NBEJMS)

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November 2023, Volume 1, Issue 11

Soumick Ranjan Sahoo

Background: Microgravity in space causes changes in the physiology of human body and as a result makes them susceptible to various pathology. As a result astronauts suffer from health disorders which includes otorhinolaryngological disorders. Aim: To gather information about the various otorhinolaryngological manifestations occuring in microgravity by compiling the available scattered data existing in literature. Methods: This is a narrative review article. Using keywords a search was made on the internet, various databases such as googlescholar, pubmed to find out the description of various otorhinolaryngological manifestation in microgravity environment of space. A few proposals or initiatives are given at the end of the discussion so that more research can be conducted on this aspect of otorhinolaryngology. Results: Studies have revealed that the microgravity environment leads to mastoid effusion, predisposes tosinusitis, causes cytoskeletal changes and altered gene expression in thyroid cancer cells, decreases salivary secretion,causes difficulty in airway management, affects temporomandibular joint function, causes impairment of balance. Regarding sleep some studies revealed that microgravity improves sleep whileother studies revealed that microgravity causes increase in sleep disturbances. Important future initiatives include establishment of world class health and research facility, National Health Programme forastronauts, Fellowship courses by NBEMS etc. Conclusion: Microgravity has a significant impact on mastoid, sinuses, sleep, thyroid cancer cells, salivation, airway, temporomandibular joint and balance. More research needs to be conducted on this topic. Keywords: Microgravity, Space Medicine, Mastoid, Sinuses, Sleep, Thyroid, Salivation, Airway, Temporomandibular Joint, Vestibular